Will everyone lose weight on this diet? I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work.
- Yes! Everyone should lose weight with the ALSD2. The only difference is how much and how fast. No one, over a period of time, can maintain their weight on the rapids weight loss plan of just 800 calories a day. There has to be a continued fat loss when utilising the diet an as the source of nutrition. Nature makes men burn more calories than women; therefore men lose weight faster.
- Mothers-to-be should plan their diet carefully and always seek their gynae’s advice. K-29 can however, make an extremely valuable contribution to a woman’s nutritional needs.
- Yes. The main reasons could be caffeine withdrawal to which your body has become addicted, or not taking enough fluid. Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches.
- Yes, of course. As with any plan your body is undergoing a dramatic change in routine and may react in different ways. Problems occur for minority of people, are usually mild and last just a day or two. The long-term benefits make them more than worthwhile.
- Water is good for you! Our bodies consist of over 60% water. We need to constantly replace our body fluids. We need sufficient liquid intake to keep our kidneys functioning properly, to help prevent fluid retention.
- You caught a cold virus! You’ve had colds in the past and will probably catch a cold in the future. It was just an unfortunate coincidence.
- There is no evidence at all to suggest this possibility. In actual fact, most people report improved well-being and fewer incidences of minor infections which prompt visits to the doctor’s surgery.
- Some people may react to the high concentratation of nutrients in the formula. This is a very temporary condition. Drinking extra water when mixing the supplement can help it.
- The diet plan will not cure any type of arthritis but symptoms in arthritis of the weight-bearing joints -will probably be alleviate by the loss of excess weight and the reduction of saturated fat in the diet. Patient frequently reports that they are able to decrease the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs with their doctor’s permission. Some claim totally freedom from any symptoms.
- Lack of sodium and fluid is most often caused by the diuretic effect that accompanies any low calorie diet. A reduction in the amount of fluid circulating in the body may result in dizziness, especially when standing up quickly. Solution: Make sure you are using Lite Salt which 50% sodium and 50% potassium. Drink the water as listed in the Diet.
- On the contrary, slimmers who lose weight with ALSD2 not only are healthy, they look healthy. This is because of the excellent nutritional content and the amount of protein in the Diet programme conserves body protein. The drawn look usually occurs when people have been starving themselves or have lost weight through illness. With the ALSD2, you’re not depriving yourself of anything -except calories.
- Occasionally some people do notice menstrual irregularities. This is due to the change in body weight. As their body weight stablises the cycle returns to normal. Some overweight women fail to menstruate, but when they lose weight their periods return.
- Quite often slimmers report that they are up and ‘running’ much earlier in the mornings. Overeating has a definite sedative effect. So dieting itself, balanced nutrition and increased vitality often combine to cut the hours of sleep you require. Spend the extra time wisely.
- Yes, you merely take two extra servings. It is also suitable for nearly all-religious groups. The Chicken and Beef Soups are the only flavours containing meat extract.
- People with gout usually have a higher level of uric acid in their blood. The problem with many diets is that they exacerbate the uric acid level. This would certainly occur during the first few days on the diet and the medication might be required. Those people who remain on the diet later show a lowered, even normal uric acid level and are generally less prone to gout attacks. Therefore a doctor’s supervision is vital.
- Many heart patients have had a positive experience with the diet. I have to emphasise that this is a matter for the judgement of the individual physician -and constant monitoring would be necessary. No one -with a serious medical condition should embark on any diet programme without total approval of his or her doctor. In particular, it’s important to mention stroke victims and patients with serious kidney and liver ailments, all of who must consult their doctor.
- A small amount of people complains of halitosis or bad breath. In some cases this may be due to production of ketones and in others it is caused by a reduction in saliva or the reflux of gas from the stomach. Drink plenty of fluids to speed up stomach emptying and also help with a mouthwash.
- No difficulties have come to light in clinical studies or public experience.
- Patients with diabetes must be under the direct supervision of their physician. A growing number of medical experts, familiar with the Diet, feel that this is the best method for the treatment of obese maturity onset diabetes. There are many case histories in which all-clinical evidence of diabetes disappears as the patient approaches their ideal weight.
- For the obese elderly with a medical problem such as maturity onset diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure the diet plan, used under medical supervision, is usually extremely beneficial.
- A small number of people might experience this reaction as a result of the mineral content of the formula. Diluting the diet drink with water will reduce the problem. If diarrhoea persists for more than two or three days the diet should be temporarily discontinued and your doctor consulted. Fiber will help normalise bowel function.
- A patient’s blood pressure is usually lowered once they are successfully losing weight with the plan. Therefore, it is extremely likely that everyone taking antihypertensive-medication will need to decrease the dosage. It is important that a physician monitor the situation. The patients should never ‘prescribe’ for themselves.
- This is a decision for the doctor, although normally a waiting period of two weeks after birth would be sufficient. Mothers who have experienced extreme blood loss or undergone a Caesarean section should wait a little longer.
- Most people on the diet feel exactly the opposite. They tend to become cheerful and positive as they experience successful weight loss. However, someone who is being treated for severe depression may find that their physician feels that the stress of a diet plan is too much for them or will want to constantly monitor the situation. Once again, ask your doctor.
- It is possible that this may occur from losing too much salt from the body. The SDII is relatively low in salt and that may be a contributory factor. It is very important to take the Lite Salt as the rules indicate.
- On rare occasions people have reported combining out few more hairs than normal. This is no cause for alarm. After a short period of time the hair grows normally again. Many more people actually notice the opposite effect -hair growing back. Most people report their nails and hair grow faster than before.
- When you diet you obviously reduce your intake of calories. This means that initially the body is using up part of its store of glycogen. Each gram of glycogen in the body binds with four grams of water, so when the glycogen is burnt up as energy, it releases four grams of water.
- There is not evidence what so ever that anaemia could be a side effect.
- Smoking increases your metabolic rate. When they give up smoking the average person will find that their metabolic rate declines by as such as 250 calories a day. That’s a lot. If they can eat the same as before they will be taking in 3000 calories more than they need every 2 weeks. That will put on half a kilo a fortnight.
- Unless an adjustment is made the kilos will go piling on until they have gained perhaps 12.7 kg in the course of a year! Also the non-smoker usually turns to chocolate and sweets for consolation -which only compounds the problem. Now smoking is a much bigger health hazard than obesity, so I very definitely urge you to give up smoking. But, I also urge you to take necessary adjustment in your eating habits at the same time.
- Celebrate with caution. This could be too stressful for your digestive system.
- The principal nutrients are obviously natural, coming from soya beans. Some of the added vitamins, minerals and trace elements are ‘nature identical’, as are many that you find in health food stores. This means that although they are manufactured they are identical to the chemical composition of the natural element. They are molecularly the same and perform equally well.
- There is no way of controlling ‘target’ areas. From time to time various ‘gimmicks’ and ‘devices’ are promoted but have no strong clinical substantiation for their claims.
- Yes… in a very positive manner. SDII dieters frequently comment on an improvement in their skin complexion and skin tone generally. The reason is quite simple: proper nutrition and increased water intake.
- For the normal person who is not taking diuretics (water pills) or any other medication, there is sufficient potassium when ‘Litesalt’ used both in tomato salad and tomato juice. It is imperative that anyone taking medication, particularly for high blood pressure consults their doctor so that he can monitor the potassium levels and supplement them if necessary.
- The incomplete breakdown of fat can leave a residue known as ketone bodies. The SDII is formulated to give a very specific balance of carbohydrate as well as protein. There is a moderate rise in ketone levels in people using the diet, which is one reason why the slimmer doesn’t feel hungry but does feel well